'Why take to the streets, when you can have street food at home? Enjoy this scrumptious Maharashtrian snack at any time, place or occasion! KOTHIMBIR WADI Ingredients 1½ cups chopped fresh coriander leaves 1 cup gram flour (besan) 3 tablespoons oil + for greasing and deep-frying 1 teaspoon mustard seeds A pinch of asafoetida 1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste 2 tablespoons roasted peanut powder 1 teaspoon red chilli powder A pinch of turmeric powder Salt to taste Method 1. Put gram flour in a large mixing bowl, add sufficient water and whisk till smooth batter is formed. 2. Heat oil in a non-stick pan, add mustard seeds and let them splutter. Add asafoetida and ginger-garlic paste and sauté for a minute. Add coriander leaves and mix well. Add peanut powder, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt and mix well. Add gram flour batter and mix well. Cook on medium heat for four to five minutes. 3. Grease a steel plate with oil, spread the mixture evenly and cool down to room temperature. 4. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. 5. Cut the kothimbirwadis into square pieces and deep-fry them in hot oil till crisp and golden all around. Drain on absorbent paper. 6. Arrange them on a serving dish and serve hot. Click to Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1h0pGXf For more recipes : http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. Buy Now on : https://goo.gl/eB9kQq Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ChefSanjeevKapoor Twitter : https://twitter.com/sanjeevkapoor #sanjeevkapoor'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , diet , Health , Food , Recipes , Chef , orange , apple , salad , chocolate , Chicken , video , tomato , cheese , Master , India , indian , italian , fast , ginger , kapoor , sweets , chinese , onion , zee , potato , fried , south , biryani , curry , cuisine , fish , Mutton , Baked , soup , tikka , rice , pulao , butter , gravy , garlic , Spinach , name , samosa , palak , Chili , Naan , SHRIMP , spices , paratha , tandoori , Masala , paneer , dal , tandoor , KHANA , prawn , roasted , Beverage , dried , Sanjeev , khazana
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